Sunday, November 28, 2010

laaa dee daaaah art!

a lot of people have been asking if i've been learning anything over here, especially because all i blog about is london friendsdays and these fun little adventure weekends. although a lot of my classes were kind of useless, my drawing and illustration class was really great and i learned a ton! especially because six months ago i wanted to give up drawing forever.

there are a lot of things i just couldn't get the hang of last semester, like HANDS. and i didn't even try faces. i literally only drew trees. but now i'm not too shabby at hands and faces!

i also got really into watercolors this semester, which was fun. i really like the concept of painting something and being able to control it only up to a certain point until you kind of just have to give up and let the water do its job. but i also have really enjoyed using black ink to create graphic patterns and shapes, and having total control over those shapes, so for my last few drawings i combined the two.